(Warranty certificate in the same color as the box)
C014060 - C011822 | 37 GAMES: With the guarantee certificate's background color in the same color as the box.
C014060 - C011822 | 37 GAMES: With the guarantee certificate's background color in the same color as the box.
C014060 - C011822 | 04 GAMES: Standard flap style box, white background color on the warranty certificate and copyright outside the warranty box (listed in this version by PSN record).
C014060 - C011822 | 04 GAMES: Standard flap style box, white background color on the warranty certificate and copyright outside the warranty box (listed in this version by PSN record).

Games listed with a red asterisk (*), contain in the lower right corner the information: "special edition".
The Championship Soccer game was renamed Pele's Soccer in 1981.
Maze Craze game box features two illustrations. The first art is found in an orange or red box printed in the year 1980. The second art can be found in orange boxes and printed from 1981. Both are standard flap opening.
Game box Space Invaders REV 1 does not contain the copyright of Taito 1980.
Cover (box style):
SF: Standard Flap
ALT. (alternate video format):