(Box white background color on the guarantee certificate)
C014060 - C011822 | 04 GAMES: Standard flap style box, white background color on the warranty certificate and copyright outside the warranty box (listed in this version by box model).
C014060 - C011822 | 04 GAMES: Standard flap style box, white background color on the warranty certificate and copyright outside the warranty box (listed in this version by box model).
C017039 V1 | 18 GAMES: Warranty box with white background and copyright date outside the warranty box.
C017039 V1 | 18 GAMES: Warranty box with white background and copyright date outside the warranty box.

Boxed version of Warlords game (C017039 V1) with Glued Flap lid has yet to be found. This title is part of the list of games released in the transition between the two versions above.
Cover (box style):
SF: Standard Flap
GF: Glued Flap
ALT. (alternate video format):